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  3. FPU Receive
  4. Using the Program
  5. Delivery


To deliver the received items

Scan – two state button “Scan” the input is done by a user. “Scanning” the input is done by a barcode scanner and the form automatically saves and adds a new blank delivery entry.

List – show a compact list of all delivered items suitable for quick search/print.

All Transactions tab – shows all inbound transactions and when they were delivered.
Blank delivered = not delivered (yet).

Undelivered tab – shows items not yet delivered.

Select All – selects or unselects all records.

Deliver – deliver all checked items. After delivery form refresh will remove items from list.

Use the Ctrl – P keyboard selection to print the form or selected records.


TO – person to receive the item.

FROM – sender of the item.

Internal ID – internal id for this transaction.

DOC No – receiver/inmate id, name and address.

Type – delivery type.

Location – location of delivery.

Name – name delivered to.

Comment – delivery comments.

Signature – digital signature image.

Account1 – account 1 to apply to this delivery.

Account2 – account 2 to apply to this delivery.

Account3 – account 3 to apply to this delivery.
