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  5. Searching and Filtering

Searching and Filtering

Before searching make sure all filters are cleared otherwise you are only searching on a portion of the data. There are two buttons and form filters that affect data views and all must be cleared to view all records.

Filter/Clear button





Filter/Clear button is a two state button:

Filter – means the data is not filtered. If you click on Filter it will filter down the data you are viewing by the field that had the focus before you clicked and change the button text to Clear.

Clear – means the data is filtered and you are only viewing a subset of the database. If you click Clear it will show all the records and change the button text to Filter.

Make sure the Filter/Clear button on the top of the form has Filter.

Mine/All Rows button





Mine/All Rows button is a two state button:

All – means you are just viewing just your records. If you click on All it will show records entered by everyone and change the button text to Mine.

Mine – means you are viewing ALL records. If you click Mine it will just show the records you entered and will change the button text to All.

Access form Filter

Make sure the Filtered button on the forms bottom status bar says No Filter and is not orange. Make sure it has No Filter.

Not Filtered



Click the Search button or select Ctrl-F on the keyboard. Like the Filter button it works on the field that had the focus before it was clicked.

Find What – enter all or partial text you are search on.

Look In – search through the currently selected field or this current form.

Match – Any part of field, all of the field or starting characters of a field.

Search – direction to search. Up, down or all ways (both).

Match Case – match case formatting of the string.

Search Fields As Formatted – it is recommended to allow Access to automatically select this checkbox.


To find a rejection number select the rejection number/ID field then click Search button or ctrl-f and fill in the ID number. Make sure all filters are cleared.

To search by date you can right click on the Received or Modified date field at the top of the form and it gives you options to search the database by date. Right click on the Received: date field and view Date Filters menu.
